Ini Alasan Mengapa Kecepatan Blog Itu Sangat Penting

Ini Alasan Mengapa Kecepatan Blog Itu Sangat Penting

According to KissMetrics, if your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, 40% of your visitors will leave.

Ini Alasan Mengapa Kecepatan Blog Itu Sangat Penting

When people leave your website, you not only lose potential revenue but also all the money and time you spent generating traffic to your website.

And if you want to get to the first page of Google and stay there, you need a website that loads up fast.

Google’s algorithms prefer displaying websites that offer a great user experience (and site speed is a huge factor). In Google’s eyes, a website that offers good user experience generally has a lower bounce rate and loads up fast.

If your website is slow, most of your visitors will bounce back which will result in a loss in search engine rankings. Moreover, if you want to convert more visitors into customers or subscribers, your website needs to load up fast.

According to, a slow website is not only perceived low-quality, it also sees a decrease in traffic by up to 20%.

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